Colin Wynter

Colin Wynter is the central figure in the Dancing Man viral video taken at the Sasquatch music festival in 2009.<ref name"CBC2009"/><ref name"dkellerm2009"/> At first, the video depicts Wynter, a lone dancer behind a festive audience seated on a grassy bank, listening to a performance of "Unstoppable" (a song from ). Then a follower joins in. In quick succession, the crowd "tips" from being passive and seated to being active and dancing too.
The video was the topic of a TED conference talk in 2010 by Derek Sivers, who suggested the phenomenon was a microcosm of leadership, with emphasis on the importance of the leader attracting and then embracing his first follower.<ref name"Sivers2010"/> However Wynter himself later said, "I didn't know that I did anything special really; all I did was self-express… " and "I guess I just thought everybody was silly, sitting there just chillin', so ... I started yellin' at them to get off their lazy asses."<ref name"Catania2010"/>
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