Coje Ya Menia (creature)

The coje ya menia is a creature of belief (creature lacking in verifiable/objective existence) or mythical creature said to be found in Angola, Central Africa.
Accounting Figure
Ilse von Nolde born 1889 a scientist in the field of Botany,worked in Angola for almost 10 years and later in Reinbek. The coje ya menia was apparently first described in print by Ilse von Nolde in 1939, who claimed that the coje ya menia was roughly the size of a hippopotamus and similarly lives in aquatic environments.
The phrase coje ya menia is said to come from the Bantu phrase "mbundu loanda" which means water lion. This creature is also referred as one of the water lions of Central Africa.
Physical description
This creature is believed to be possessing huge canine teeth or white tusks. Its size is said to be a bit smaller than that of hippopotamus.
This creature is believed to be nocturnal in nature. This creature is said to be killing hippopotamus but strangely have been reported not to eat them as prey.
Coje ya menia is said to remain active during rainy season and said to be moving around small rivers and swamps.
Coje ya menia has been reported to be seen at some parts of Angola, Central Africa.
"One day Frau von Nolde met a native wearing splendid hippopotamus-skin sandals and happened to ask hint where he had killed the beast that provided the leather. The native replied at once that he had not killed the hippopotamus himself: he had found it dead, killed by the coje ya menia." Page 552 On the track of Unknown Animals
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