Clown world

Clown world is an existentialist concept and Internet meme, hailing from 4chan, wherein the individual's totality of experiences leads to the belief or appearance that the world is in the grip of insanity. This meme has been used as a form of 'cheerful nihilism' resorting to laugh and mockery as a response to this world vision. It also has been used by alt-right as a dogwhistle trying to make the mainstream media think clown memes are racist propaganda. Clown world has been the subject of treatment by prominent internet personalities such as Paul Joseph Watson and Tim Pool.
Phenomena supporting the Clown world belief include extreme behavior and expression by large numbers of individuals, especially on social media; adherence to viewpoints that appear unhealthy, counter-intuitive or bizarre, by large numbers of people; government, institutional and corporate policies that seem to borrow from or pander to extreme or bizarre viewpoints.
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