
CloudBuddy is a platform consisting of tools like CloudBuddy Personal, Analytics, MS-Office plug-in for accessing and storing files and content directly to Amazon S3 . This platform is developed by CSS Labs , a research unit of CSS Corp Pvt Ltd .
CloudBuddy Personal
CloudBuddy Personal is a freely downloadable tool and it has a plug-in framework to extend the product. The technology incorporated is detailed here .
Features of CloudBuddy Personal
CloudBuddy comes with a rich set of features making it an easy to use client for Amazon S3.
# Can configure multiple S3 accounts and access them simultaneously at the same time.
# Option to have local caching mechanism. Local cache facilitates to render objects if they are available in the local thereby saving time and cost on network bandwidth.
# Sharing files / photos. The feature of sharing objects in Amazon S3 is being implemented in a very novel way in CloudBuddy by proving URL ad Templates for sharing objects. Example, when sharing photos, we can choose the Album template.
# Multiple View options come with File View and Mail View. File view is the default Windows Explorer view and Mail view is more or less similar to your MS Outlook or any other mail client. The advantage is that you need not download your files to local and view via the mail client. You mail files in S3 can be directly viewed via this mail view.
# CloudBuddy provides option to directly sync contents to Amazon S3. Sync can be configured to be automated in such a way that CloudBuddy automatically detects changes to the watch folder and uploads data to S3.
# Drag and drop support. Now as we do in Windows Explorer, we would be able to drag and drop our files / folders into the CloudBuddy bucket explorer window to upload the file and vice versa for downloading the same.
# Support with other tools like Jungle Disk. Jungle Disk is yet another Amazon S3 tools which also facilitates accessing Amazon S3 services. But Jungle Disk, saves files in its proprietary file format so that you would not be able to read the file if you download with any tool other than CloudBuddy. CloudBuddy supports Jungle Disk file format too.
CloudBuddy Analytics
CloudBuddy Analytics is a open source tool to view complete statistics of your Amazon S3 buckets visually. This tool has been open sourced under GPL in google code .
Features of CloudBuddy Analytics
1. Configure Multiple AWS Accounts
2. Caching for faster reports
3. Bucket log enabling capability
4. Monthly wise reports
5. Bandwidth usage
6. Number of visits, number of unique visitors, visit durations and last visits
7. Days of week and rush hours (pages, hits, KB for each hour and day of week)
8. Domains/countries of hosts visitors (pages, hits, KB, 269 domains/countries detected, GeoIP detection)
9. Most viewed files/pages
10. Most accessed file types
11. OS used (pages, hits, KB for each OS, 35 OS detected)
12. Browsers used
13. Search engines, keyphrases and keywords used to find your site (The 115 most famous search engines are detected like yahoo, google, altavista, etc.)
14. HTTP errors (Page Not Found with last referrer, ...)
15. Hostname resolution
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