Climate Sceptics Party

The Climate Sceptics Party describes itself as the world's first political party representing climate sceptics, dedicated to "...expose the fallacy of anthropogenic climate change".
Position on aspects of global warming
The Climate Sceptics Party believe and claim that the theory of anthropogenic global warming has been created from cherry picked evidence, hypothetical modeling and junk science. They advocate "real and common sense" ways to clean the environment and reduce pollutants amongst many other statements of their beliefs.
The party's website lists a number of Australian scientists who deny the existence of global warming, including Robert M. Carter and Prof. Ian Plimer.
Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme
The Climate Sceptics Party's policy on the Rudd government's proposed emissions trading scheme, the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (CPRS), is that the CPRS will result in Australian industry being at a competitive disadvantage leading to rising prices, that the CPRS will also cause corruption and fraud and the curtailing of human freedoms.
On 13 July 2009, approximately 30 members of the Climate Sceptics Party and supporters arrived at the venue where climate change advocate, Al Gore, was speaking in Melbourne, to hand out leaflets for those attending, with questions to ask Al Gore during his speech. Some wore t-shirts bearing the party's slogan: "Carbon Really Ain't Pollution - CRAP".
Registration status
The party says it is near finalisation at a federal level, but Nathan Ashby will be contesting the South Australian election as an independent candidate.
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