Clbuttic mistake

The Clbuttic Mistake refers to mistakes by automated spell-checkers and obscenity filters. The term is derived from the word "classic" being converted to the word "clbuttic" as seen from a sentence describing Apple. Some obscenity filters were converting inoffensive words that contain "ass" and changing it automatically to "butt" forming nonsensical language. Another common error was the automatic conversion of "gay" to "homosexual". A notable example of this was an AP article about athlete Tyson Gay being converted to Tyson Homosexual. Critics of these filters state the Clbuttic Mistake clearly illustrates that there is no substitute for human judgment.

Examples of Clbuttic Mistakes

Examples of wrongful conversions include:

* Classic becomes Clbuttic
* Passport becomes Pbuttport
* Assumption becomes Buttumption
* Assets becomes Buttets
* Embassy becomes Embbutty

One of the most commonly used examples refers to this sentence: "Apple made the clbuttic mistake of forcing out their visionary - I mean, look at what NeXT has been up to!".
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