CiscoWorks LAN Management Solution is a web-based suite of tools developed in Java by Cisco Systems, Inc. with the purpose of helping users manage a Cisco-based computer network. Older versions used client-side Java heavily; the latest version uses more HTML and improves data sharing among tools. CiscoWorks suite consists of various components such as: * CiscoWorks Resource Manager Essentials * CiscoWorks CiscoView * CiscoWorks Common Services * CiscoWorks Campus Manager * CiscoWorks Device Fault Manager (DFM) * CiscoWorks Internetwork Performance Monitor * CiscoWorks IP Telephony Manager * CiscoWorks Health and Utilization Monitor The components are sold in bundled versions. Example bundles are: * LAN Management Solution (LMS) * Small Network Management Solution (SNMS) * IP Telephony Environment Monitor (ITEM) LMS Applications Following is the list of LMS Applications and core functionality for each: Common Services (CS) * Provides a foundation for CiscoWorks applications to share a common model for data storage, login, user role definitions, access privileges, security protocol and navigation * Creates a standard user LMS Portal * Gives quick access to important statistics and details * Allows to launch the installed LMS applications * Provides top-level navigation for frequently-used functions * Allows to open all applications and watch for the events in the network * Allows to customize the look and feel and the content CiscoWorks Assistant * Troubleshoots and simplifies LMS deployment * Helps to determine the possible causes of a device-down problem or a link-down problem * Displays device troubleshooting info from each application in a single report * Helps to determine the cause of an End Host or IP phone accessibility problem * Solving real business problems and tackling management challenges Campus Manager (CM) * Manages layer 2 and layer 3 devices present on a network * Performs some of the layer2 configurations like vlan, trunking, IVR, etherchannel, STP, etc * Visualizes the physical topology of the network devices * Monitors the connectivity between these managed devices * Finds the information about the connected endhosts and IP phones on a network Internetwork Performance Monitor (IPM) * Performance Monitoring of the Network effectively * Provides VOIP quality scores for VOIP Network * Assesses the reacheability of a device * Calculates the latency - roundtrip time between 2 devices Device Fault Manager (DFM) * Quickly and easily detects, isolates, notifies, and corrects faults encountered in the network * Performs CiscoWorks DFM specific configurations and administration tasks * Forwards alerts and events as e-mails and syslog messages * Views events and alerts for the past 31 days Resource Manager Essentials (RME) * Reduces errors and staff hours spent on network administration * Automates tedious and difficult update tasks * Offers powerful troubleshooting tools with fault and error detection * Tracks all inventory, configuration, and software changes to devices Health Utilization Monitor (HUM) * Monitors the utilization and availability of a device * Monitors device performance parameters * Provides factory MIB templates for user convenience * Allows Flexible polling frequencies * Provides historical trending reports * Alerts and notifies threshold violations