Chulbul Pandey is a fictional character from the Dabangg film series, created by Dilip Shukla and Abhinav Kashyap, portrayed by Salman Khan. Storylines Dabangg (2010) Dabangg tells the story of a corrupt but fearless Chulbul Pandey and his troubled relationship with his step-father and half-brother. Amidst fighting his way through goons and a corrupt system, he manages to get the love of his life and win the hearts of his step-father and step-brother. He also manages to woo the love of his life, Rajjo, by doing good deeds and winning her heart. Dabangg 2 (2012) Chulbul Pandey gets transferred to the city of Kanpur in Dabangg 2. He has faced the wrath of a big city goon who is hell bent on trying to teach Chulbul Pandey a lesson. He manages to beat every goon out of their wits and end up victorious. Dabangg 3 (2019) Chulbul Pandey is set to be back on December 20, 2019, in Dabangg 3.