Christian kingdom of albion

The Christian Kingdom of Albion is a newly-formed sovereign state ruled by the Lord Protector Louis d'Albion. The state is a Christian thearchy, with the Lord God Almighty as its Head of State and all the Laws drawn from the Bible. The state is unique in that the Lord Protector is also the Maréchal of the Armed Forces and Archon (Άρχον) of the Church of Albion.

The Kingdom is currently discussing terratorial claims. Proposed claims include the Irish portion of the ancient kingdom of Dal Riata and lands around the Republic of Ireland. Lands in France, the UK, the Middle East and around Europe have also been put foward by the Senators. The issue will be voted on by the Senate in the new year.

Head of State
In the constitution of Albion, the Head of State is declared to be the Christian God. However the earthly leader of the Kingdom is the Lord Protector, Maréchal of the Armed Forces and Άρχον of the Church of Albion. His other titles include Laird of Glencairn and Defender of the Christian Faith.
The current Lord Protector is Louis de Lusignan d'Albion, a 16 year old Albion-Irish citizen. Born in Cork, Republic of Ireland, he created the Kingdom in 2005 as 'the only truly Christian country in the world'.

The Parlement of Governors
The Parlement consists of elected officials (Governors) from every region of Albion, who do not represent individual political parties. Their job is to propose and vote on laws, which are then passed on the Lord Protector for agreement. They are bound by the laws and statutes in the Constitution and the Bible. The constitution, unlike in other countries, may not be altered or changed. A Cabinet of ten members is chosen by the Lord Protector from among the Parlement to oversee important departments including Foreign Affairs and Defence.

The Senate
The Senate is based heavily on the Roman Senate of the Roman Republic. The names for each of the important members are the same, but they have different roles. The Senate has the same job as the Parlement, but its members are chosen by different sectors within Albion and it is considered more important. The Premier is chosen by the Lord Protector and is his representative. The Censor represents the citizenry. The Lictor is elected from among the Police Department. The Praetor represents the Justice Department, the Pontifex represents the Ecclesiastical Council and the Tribune represents the Armed Forces. In times of war, the Senate and Council merge with the Armed Forces Council to become the war Council.

The Church of Albion
The Church of Albion has all the same beliefs as FIEC Evangelical Free Churches. However,it is headed by the Lord Protector and all State Events (weddings, funerals, coronations etc.) are carried out by the Patriarch of Albion. The current Patriarch is Patriarch Hook. The Ecclesiastical Council, made up of worldwide pastors, church leaders and the Papal Delegate, pass laws involving the Church.

State Symbols
In 2007, the Senate voted on the symbols to represent the state. The flag chosen, designed by the Lord Protector, is displayed above and consists of a Christian cross on a white field. The national anthem chosen was the worship song 'In Christ Alone', written by Stuart Townsend. The Lord Protector's personal anthem is 'Irish Soldier Laddie', reflecting his Irish heritage and Irish Republican and Nationalist views.
The national flower is the white rose (rosa alba), representing purity and holiness. The national animal is the lamb (ovis aries), echoeing John's Gospel (The Good Shepherd) and the sacrificial lamb (Jesus Christ)
A national epic is currently being written by the poet and citizen of Albion, Alexandros Khufos.

Salve Orbi
salve Orbi is the Lord Protector's early morning address to the nation, bible reading and prayer/hymn time. It will be placed on the website (to be unveiled soon) at the earliest possible time.

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