Chrissy Houlahan

Chrissy Houlahan (born 1968, Christina Jampoler) is a former United States Air Force Reserve Captain, engineer, entrepreneur, and politician. She is the 2018 Democratic nominee for U.S. Representative from . Her opponent in the 2018 election is Greg McCauley (R).
Personal life and education
Houlahan spent her childhood on various U.S. naval bases across the country. Her father, a naval aviator, had left Poland at age four to escape the Holocaust. earned her Bachelor's Degree in Engineering from Stanford University on an scholarship.
Citing a need to experience the problems in the U.S. educational system first-hand, Houlahan entered the lifelong learning program at University of Pennsylvania where she re-took courses in the hard sciences. She enrolled in the Teach for America program and began working as an 11th-grade science teacher at Simon Gratz High School in Philadelphia. Whichever one wins will be the first woman to represent Pennsylvania in that body. Houlahan has said that one of the experiences that motivated her to run for Congress was her organization of a bus trip to the in Washington, D.C., on January 21, 2017.
Running in Pennsylvania's 6th congressional district, Houlahan was uncontested in the Democratic primary and will face first-time candidate Greg McCauley in the general election, incumbent Ryan Costello (R) having withdrawn from the race. PA-6 is one of the recently redistricted districts as a result of the January 2018 Pennsylvania Supreme Court gerrymandering ruling.
Houlahan is running on a platform that includes healthcare, job creation, and campaign finance reform. Other campaign issues she identifies include education, family issues, and veteran's issues. Houlahan has a strong record of campaign fundraising, with donations totaling almost $3 million so far. Human Rights Campaign, Giffords, Project 100, Vote Vets, and several other local unions.
Personal life
Houlahan lives in Devon, PA with her spouse of 27 years, Bart. They put on hold their goal of running a foot race in every state before age 50 when she entered the race for U.S. Representative.
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