Chinese Typing with Tones

Overall typing efficiency of Chinese input can be improved by specifying the Tone of the last Zi or word when typing Chinese. This helps to reduce around 3/4 unwanted candidates.

One such method assigns the four tones to the leftest column of keys on a keyboard.

Top-Left-most key (~key in US Keyboard layout) corresponds to tone 1.

The second key on the leftmost column (Tab key in most keyboard layout) corresponds to tone 2.

The third key on the leftmost column (CapsLock key in most keyboard layout) corresponds to tone 3.

The fourth key on the leftmost column (Shift key in most keyboard layout) corresponds to tone 4.

Optionally, the Right-Shift key corresponds to tone 5.

This makes Chinese typing faster.

This method has been implemented in Typing Chinese Online.
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