China to US rail line

There have been thought plans of a train from China into the US through Alaska. There will be huge sea bridge (A bridge that go's over long stretches of the sea) that will be connected to Alaska. If it is made (which will take a while to get it aproved), it won't be done until after at least 2025. By then there will almost definitely be high speed rail from Alaska with stops in Canada and then ending in most likely somewhere near the border of Washington state like Seattle. There is already a train line in Canada and a small one in Alaska that would only need to be upgraded and slightly made bigger. Since the current lines aren't made to potintentially run fast high speed trains it would take until at least 2020 to be made to High-speed rail including the time it would take to get it aproved for the upgrade.
Predictions of how long until it will be completed
"One could, about 15 to 20 years from now, travel seamlessly from London, UK to Beijing, China and even have a detour within the Gulf countries using the global high-speed rail network." Sarwant Singh stated in an article he posted on the on the Forbes Magazine website.
Progress of it's construction
Plans to build trains from China to areas as far as Germany are currently being planned and may soon actually get completed. Then after Germany they plan to make there US train line.
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