
The name "Channy" is derived from the Bible name "Chana". Chana is Hebrew for the word "favorable" or "beautiful". The name Chana was first found in the Bible. The tale of "Chana and her seven sons" is a famous biblical story that tells the death of all her seven sons who refused to bow down to King Antiochus of Syria in 165 BCE . Each son claimed that King Antiochus was not the Creator of the World, the God, and thus could not bow down to His Highness. Each son was executed by King Antiochus while their mother Chana stood there watching. When the final son was killed, Chana couldn't handle the pain, and she committed suicide. The name "Chana" has since been used by the Jews around the world. "Chana" has slowly turned to "Channy" over the decades for easier verbal flow while keeping the rootname "Chana" intact. Today, the name "Chana" or commonly used "Channy", is mainly used by the Lubavitch communities, as it is the name of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson's, mother, Chana "Channy" Werdiger , who is reknowned as the Lubavitcher Rebetzin. She remains the most famous Lubavitch female, with a huge Lubavitch organization named after her, as well as a Lubavitch Holiday called: "Vov Tishrei", to honor and remember her passing.
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