CatSCAN is a fictional character from the Transformers toy and story line. He is an artificially created Transformers medic who turns into a robotic feline.
Transformers: Universe
CatSCAN is an Autobot Medic who turns into a robotic cat. CatSCAN was originally going to be called "Lifeline", a name that was preferred by Wreckers co-writer Rob Gerbracht. A remnant of this exists on the final packaging, which states that "the Lifeline Cybernetic Diagnostic Module has been activated." CatSCAN is depicted as standing about 3 meters tall in robot mode.
3H Enterprises
Shortly after the Wreckers under Primal Prime escaped Megatron's Vehicon regime on Cybertron, Predacon member Fractyl and several others were injured in a battle with an intruder: the Autobot bounty hunter Devcon. Fractyl was the most seriously injured, and was taken to the medical bay of the Autobot shuttle the Wreckers were using as a headquarters. Unfortunately, the antiquated medical systems had no way of treating Fractyl's injuries, and the Wreckers had no medic among them.
Apelinq, a Maximal computer genius, came up with the solution. Uploading the technical specifications of a fallen comrade of his and adding a medical database, he used his state-of-the-art data to matter technology to create CatSCAN. There was just one problem-CatSCAN couldn't be returned to data form after he'd completed his task. Worse, the Wreckers found themselves dealing with a new companion who had the pacifism stereotypical of his profession and with the intelligence level of a newly activated Cybertronian.
Despite these flaws, CatSCAN proved an invaluable member of the team, helping them to locate long lost Autobot scientists Glyph and Tap-Out. When the Wreckers left Archa 9 they took Tap-Out with them, but left CatSCAN and Glyph on the planet.
*Universe Deluxe CatSCAN (2002)
:CatSCAN was a BotCon exclusive repaint of Beast Machines Cheetor. Features glow-in-the-dark plastic. Although no Maximal or Autobot symbol appears on the figure the box features an Autobot logo on the front, so most people consider CatSCAN an Autobot.
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