Casada Massage Chair YANCO Facts, Company Profile & User Feedback

Casada Massage Chair YANCO
The Casade Massage Chair YANCO is sold by Casada USA which is located in Dickson, Tennessee.  The company site states that this company has been in business since 1993.  According to company information, they are represented all over the world and are dedicated to developing innovation and wellness products designed to enhance the customer’s well-being.  They also state that satisfaction is their primary objective.

A picture of this chair shows an attractive design and color, as well as a look that creates a desire to sink into the soft, synthetic leather exterior and immerse oneself in the epitome of total comfortable and relaxation.

It is priced at a range that is within the average budget and can be viewed on  For more information just click here.

This chair weighs 148 pounds and comes in black, cream, and red.  It is designed to fit the human body and bring comfort to aching and sore muscles.  From the movement the massage begins rollers and vibration radiate throughout the body where every movement is designed to eliminate the aches and pains associated with overwork and constant stress.

Everyone has experienced a day when everything seems to go wrong.  Whether it is a lost file in an office, a broken down washer in a home, or a car that will not run the stress seems overwhelming.  In these cases it is time to step back and choose an avenue of relief from this stress.  One way to do this is to have a massage chair, such as the Casada YANCO, that one can sit down in, lay back, relax, and let the chair take over.  As the massage fingers work up and down the spine a feeling of peace and quiet begins to work through the body.  

Being able to adjust the massage for the neck and back to 15 or 30 minute intervals makes it ideal for someone who does not have a lot of time to devote to personal body problems.  This is an excellent chair for the office when a person has short intervals to relax and has a quiet space.  Some office workers with private space find this an ideal solution in stressful situations where the person must put in long hours of time.

The chair has a hand remote control unit that can be set to one’s desired time and chair action. With electronically controlled variables, vibration will work on the muscles to relax them and bring one back to a feeling of normalcy.  

Some of the highlights of this remarkable massage chair are:

•    Neck and back adjustable massage
•    Variable vibration modes
•    Controllable speed and intensity
•    Massage programs

This remarkable chair has six massage programs all controlled by the user. The automatic massage is set for 15 minute intervals; however, the remote control allows it to be set for 30 minutes.  Of course, it can be stopped at any time desired. The intensity of a massage is very important to the user. For some, a light massage is what works best, but for others an intense massage is preferred.  This is completely controllable with the hand held remote.

The chair adjusts to 140 degree angle which allows one to lie in a comfortable position and completely relax while the massage and vibration techniques take over.  Being able to wind down by laying in comfort is beyond the norm.  A restful, serene feeling takes over the body as one allows all tension to leave and peace restored.  

With any massage chair purchase one should be aware of who should and who should not be using it.  There are warnings with all massage chairs and one should check with their physician and the chair’s manual before buying one.  Manuals regarding the chair are available on most company websites.  For those interested in the purchase of a massage chair, the Casada Massage Chair YANCO should be one on the list to review.

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