Career Mantra


CareerMantra™ was formed in 2006 by group of IITians with the core vision of “Bridging the gap between education and Industry ”. The founders realized that there is a significant gap between knowledge imparted by academic institutions and the industry expectations.

With rapidly changing technologies, these institutions find it challenging to offer courses, which can seamlessly integrate with the industry. Our experts have spent significant amount of time in understanding how to make a smooth transition from academic to industry and make professionals productive from day one. Our focus is to present required knowledge in a highly interactive fashion, which involves rich media contents, online/offline support, specialized forums, online development environment and face to face workshop with industry experts. Various industry gurus have recognized our unique courses as very innovative and effective.

Our courses are designed for both computer science and non-computer science graduates. Apart from programming fundamentals and logical reasoning these courses also cover other areas like designing, scalability, SDLC and communication skills in depth. The idea is to equip these professionals with right kind of tools and processes along with core concepts of programming for a corporate environment.

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