Career Colleges Ontario

Career Colleges Ontario (CCO) is a non-profit organization providing advocacy, services, and resources for member career colleges in the province of Ontario, Canada. The organization regularly meets with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to keep members up-to-date on regulatory matters and to highlight the value of career colleges to Ontario's post-secondary education framework. Services provided by the CCO include transcript storage, an annual conference, and workshops on an as-needed basis.
Note that this article does not include a list of specific career colleges in Ontario.
Career Colleges Ontario (CCO) is a non-profit organization fighting for the equitable treatment of career college students and a level playing field for its member institutions.
The association's membership consists of career colleges operating within the province of Ontario, and the member campuses are obligated to adhere to the CCO member's code of ethics.
CCO career colleges deliver career-specific, outcome-based programs in hundreds of essential skilled fields in a manner that is characteristically responsive to employer demand. Graduates of career colleges earn a diploma or a certificate for a wide range of programs in fields like business, health services, human services, applied arts, information technology, electronics, services and the trades. Over 43,000 students enroll in an Ontario career college each year.
Member institutions are afforded access to association advocacy, resources, and services through the following benefits:
* CCO meets regularly with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities and attends government events to inform and advise officials on issues prudent to the sector.
* CCO submits recommendations to the government on policy that impacts its members and their students.
* The association serves as the voice of the career colleges, conveying emerging sector issues to the ministry while educating and supporting its membership on regulatory matters the ministry imposes.
* Transcript storage at a reduced rate.
* The opportunity to process OSAP applications through the association's Financial Aid Office.
* Receive notices and information on matters that affect Ontario's career colleges.
* The association organizes or sponsors workshops and emergency meetings for the sector as needed.
* Career Colleges Ontario hosts a yearly conference consisting of informational seminars, workshops, and networking events for career college professionals. During the conference, the association presents its CCO Awards, recognizing outstanding graduates and the instructors dedicated to providing their students with the greatest opportunities to succeed.
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