
Cardno is a professional infrastructure and environmental services company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange.
The original engineering practice from which the Cardno group evolved commenced operations in Brisbane, Queensland in 1945 as Cardno & Davies, founded by engineers Gerry Cardno and Harold Davies.
During the post-war boom years through to the 1970s, Cardno & Davies designed and supervised water supplies, bridges, dams and roads throughout Queensland, as well as sewerage systems in Brisbane and regional towns.
In 1999, Cardno & Davies merged with McMillan, Britton & Kell, a consulting engineering practice based in New South Wales. At this time, the Company was known as Cardno MBK and combined employed around 250 staff.
Cardno Limited listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: CDD) in 2004. At the time of listing, Cardno employed a little over 500 staff.
Today, over 6,000 Cardno staff work in over 250 offices on projects in 100 countries throughout the world.
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