Captain Placeholder

Captain Placeholder was an NPC in MMORPG World of Warcraft. He first appeared in the beta version of the game as a temporary measure, allowing players to instantly teleport from Menethil Harbor to the town of Auberdine (instead of first waiting for the boat to arrive to the docks, then waiting until it would arrive at its destination), when some of the boat paths had yet to be implemented. After the retail launch a glitch in the normal operation of the Menethil Harbor-Auberdine boat path prompted Blizzard to reinstate Captain Placeholder until a fix could be included in an upcoming patch, and the Captain quickly became quite popular among the retail subscribers.

Blizzard fixed the glitch in an April 2005 patch, which also removed the Captain. Fans of the character quickly began petitioning Blizzard for his return in one fashion or another, even to the point of recording a song entitled "The Lament of Captain Placeholder, by Eledainn of Dragonmaw".
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