Cambodian Democratic Society Party

On 20 December 2008 nine days before the candidate registration deadline ended the DSP was created by its leader president Thorng Sovannara, who says it was a breakaway faction of the Khmer National Party that he changed into a political party.
Political ideology
The DSP’s ideology is primarily about promoting education. The party was created since Sovannara and three other Cambodian-Americans who were advised by many Cambodian teachers and professors to do so.
An important point here is that since all of the party’s members are teachers they can use their position in society which is very influential in trying to help the party improve society. Even though president Rong Chhun of the Cambodian Independent Teachers Association didn’t know who the DSP were, the union still supports the party.

So far with political activity the party’s been fielding some of the party’s candidates in 10 Cambodian communes. This was twice more the times higher than that of the KNP which it broke away from.
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