C.O.T.SS - Children of the SS

Children Of the SS, C.O.T.SS, an organization made up of children of former Schutzstaffel and Gestapo members. Formed in Chicago in 1965 and originally called Sons of the Schutzstaffel it went through a series of name changes and in 1981 allowed women to join and the organization took the name C.O.T.SS, Children of the SS. The purpose of C.O.T.SS is to provide assistance to former Nazis living in the United States. The organisation is believed to have ties with Stille Hilfe (Silent Aid), and works on protecting former members of the Schutzstaffel and Gestapo.
C.O.T.SS members follow the same code of conduct, and swear the same oath of allegiance as the parents did while serving in the Schutzstaffel,"Ich schwöre Adolf Hitler unerschütterliche Treue. Ich schwöre ihm und den Führern, die er mir bestimmt, unbedingten Gehorsam. Adolf Hitler: Sieg Heil!" (I vow to Adolf Hitler imperturbable loyalty . I vow to him and to the leaders, that he sets for me, absolute allegiance. Adolf Hitler: Hail victory!"). C.O.T.SS also uses the same Motto as SS, "Unsere Ehre heißt Treue" (Our Honour is Loyalty). All new members must swear an oath of secrecy as well. The organization uses the same rank structure as was used during World War Two by the Schutzstaffel. C.O.T.SS is divided into two groups, East and West with Chicago being the command center.
Members must pass a C.O.T.SS, Sicherheitsdienst (SD), back ground check and meet the same racial purity standards set forth during World War Two by the SS. Very few references to this organization exist and C.O.T.SS avoids contact with media and with groups that are exposed to media on a regular basis such as Neo-Nazi groups so they can work on their projects without drawing attention to their organization. Children of the SS is a international group and have operations Germany, Norway, Italy, France, South America, Central America, Poland, Canada and America. In the United States there are chapters in Montana, Nevada, Arizona, California and Washington in the west and New York, Florida, Georgia and Ohio in the Eastern states. A new branch of Children of the SS opened in Kalispell, Montana in 1991 and operated in obscurity there for 18 years. In 2010 a series of movie screenings by Neo-Nazi groups brought to public attention the presence of the C.O.T.SS group Following a news story by a local telivision station and an article in a local news paper,"Flathead Beacon". A large German community in Kalispell offered the group a safe environment to operate from. An unusually large number of German World War Two veterans call Kalispell home. Including a grand daughter of Martian Bormann and a son of SS-Obergruppenführer Walter Buch (24 October 1883, Bruchsal, Baden - 12 November 1949) SS-Obergruppenführer Walter Buch, Walter Buch was also Martin Bormann's father in law. A nephew of Georg Kraft who was acquitted of war crimes in connection to his service at Bergen Belsen Concentration camp.
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