Byron Somerset Public School

Built in the early 1990s, Byron Somerset is the newest public school in Byron, a subdivision in London, Ontario. Its address is 175 Whisperwood Ave, London, ON, N6K 4C6. It is a part of the Thames Valley District School Board.

There are 337 students. There are 13.5 classes, JK to Grade 8 and one Grade 7/8 Intensive Support class.

It was built in a former gravel pit, excavated by AAROC Aggregates. Because of its location in a former gravel pit, it is surrounded on two sides with a large hill. Its architecture was by the firm Lamb, Jorden and Jensen, which later became Carsten Jensen.

The building is wheelchair accessible, with ramps anywhere there are stairs. There is a double gym, with a removable wall dividing the two sides. There is also a lunch room, music room and large library. There is an after school hours daycare, operated by the London Children's Connection. The daycare has its own room, with a similar layout to the kindergarten classrooms next door.
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