Bva MC (born Josh Davey) is an United Kingdom rapper, most famed as a member of group The Three Amigos hip hop and Real.Life.Drama Records. He was born in Bristol and raised in Glastonbury, England and since starting out in 2003 with MC Leaf Dog he has collaberated with Sadat X of Brand Nubian and has a track in the pipeline with a highly rated US artist, as well as many other highly rated UK artists.
Biography Bva MC began rapping in 2003 debuting on The 3 Amigos hip hop album Lost But Not Forgotten after meeting when performing a show with MC Leaf Dog. Since then he has been peforming shows all over the country with The 3 Amigos hip hop and they have finished their second album World War 3 which is being released in 2008 and features Sadat X of Brand Nubian. He is also part of a crew spawned around Real.Life.Drama Records which consists of himself, MC Leaf Dog, Kid Genius, Assa, and Contact Play He is currently recording material for a number of projects.
Appears On * 2003 Lost But Not Forgotten (album by the 3 amigos hip hop) * Coming Soon World War 3 (album by the 3 amigos hip hop)