Building biology

Building biology (or ) is a field of building science investigating the indoor living environment for a variety of irritants. Practitioners study how the environment of residential, commercial and public buildings can affect the health of the occupants, producing a restful or stressful environment. Important areas of building biology are building materials and processes, electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radiation (EMR) and indoor air quality (IAQ).. A German medical doctor Hubert Palm has been considered the 'father' of Baubiologie, but did attract controversy over his view of steel framed and concrete buildings.

According to the Building Biology Institute (BBI) and the Institute of Building Biology and Sustainability (IBN), there are 25 principles which govern the decision making of building biologists. These principles are broadly grouped into the following categories by the BBI: Site and Community Design, Occupant Health and Well-Being, Natural and Man-Made Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, and Environmental Protection, Social Responsibility and Energy Efficiency. The IBN uses the following five categories in guiding the creation of healthy, environmentally sustainable and community-connected buildings: Healthy Indoor Air, Thermal and Acoustic Comfort, Human-Based Design, Sustainable Environmental Performance, and Socially Connected and Ecologically Sound Communities.
Effects of poor building
After World War II, new houses were rapidly built in Germany to accommodate the growing population. Studies of these new houses found an unusual patterns of illnesses. It was concluded that these patterns could be attributed to the rapid construction of the buildings. The rapid construction had given materials insufficient time to outgas various volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and these VOCs instead harmed the occupants. The illness is also attributable to problems with the electrical systems of the homes.
From these discoveries a study began in earnest among a few individuals to catalog and characterize these VOCs. What emerged was a Standard of Baubiologie Method of Testing,
The 25 Principles Guiding Building Design
These are the 25 principles guiding Baubiologie, according to the IBN:
# Supply fresh air; reduce air pollutants and irritants
# Eliminate dust, allergens, and toxic organisms (mold, yeast, and bacteria)
# Build with materials having a pleasant or neutral smell
# Minimize exposure to outside sources of electromagnetic fields and radio frequency radiation
# Build with natural, nontoxic materials that have low radioactivity
# Balance thermal insulation and heat retention to control indoor surface and air temperatures
# Build with hygroscopic or humidity-buffering materials
# Minimize the moisture content of new construction or dry any wet materials
# Use passive solar heating strategies or thermal radiation for heating when possible
# Optimize room acoustics to control noise and vibrations
# Design with an eye to harmonic measure, proportion and form
# Create spaces that foster the use of the senses (sight, sound, smell, and touch, specifically)
# Maximize natural light and keep any illumination sources free of flickering or unnatural colors
# Design both interior spaces and furniture for physiological and ergonomic health
# Promote local building traditions and craftsmanship
# Minimize energy consumption in construction and building occupancy by using energy-efficient design and renewable energy
# Avoid causing environmental harm through the use of sustainably-sourced materials
# Consider the environmental impact on plants and animals when constructing by minimizing use of natural resources
# Choose materials with the lowest environmental impact over the course of the building occupancy, favoring locally sourced and sustainably harvested building materials
# Assure quality of drinking water is superior, using purification technology if necessary
# Design the surrounding community for well-balanced mixed use (i.e., short distances between homes, work, shopping areas, schools, essential services, and recreation)
# Create a community that meets human needs and promotes environmental protection
# Make green space accessible to residents in rural, suburban, and urban areas
# Strengthen regional and local supply networks as well as self-sufficiency
# Build far from potential sources of contamination, radiation, pollutants, and noise
Some practitioners of building biology argue that lobbying by the insurance, building material, chemical and telecommunications industries keeps unhealthy building practices in legal building.
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