Build It Fast And Fix It Later

Build It Fast And Fix It Later (BIF+FIL) is a Software development philosophy invented by Robert Fuller et. al in the Canadian Northwest during the 1980's.
This approach to software development is useful in situations where there is clearly a need for software meeting some general requirements, but for which the specific requirements have not been elucidated.
BIF+FIL can be used where having "something" is perceived as better than having "nothing".
Build It Fast
This refers to the amount of elapsed time taken between the initial decision to create the software and the initial release, which is kept minimal.
Fix It Later
This acknowledges that the software created using this methodology is likely not a long-term solution, and as time passes the original solution will need improvement or replacement. Another software development philosophy is chosen at the point when "fixing" is required. "Fixing" may involve discarding completely the original software.
== How BIF+FIL differs from other methodologies ==
BIF+FIL differs from Software prototyping in that the former is intended to provide a (more or less complete) working solution in a short timeframe, whereas the latter is intended to provide a partial functional or mock implementation which may be subsequently discarded or improved upon.
BIF+FIL is intended to provide a "solution for now" while Rapid application development is an iterative approach used in developing comprehensive software solutions.
Formal Definition
In keeping with the BIF+FIL philosophy, no formal definition of the approach exists, however one should be written if and when it is needed.
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