Brittany boxall

Brittany Boxall has starred in many movies her 1st movie was when she was only 7 she straed as the main chararcter Lauren in Valley Ralley. Brittany is known to be shooting her next film acceptable in the 80s which is about a girl trying to dress to impress.

Brittany will be starring next year in the comedy series JUST on nickeleon which is going to be a hit!Some facts about Brittany: Fave colour: green
fave song:Oops I did it again.

Brittany in 2003 won a teen choice award for her film Valley Ralley, this movie star is clearly following Miley Crycus's foot steps.Brittany is such a sucsess she was asked to apear on the Ellen Dedgeneres show.

In her interveiw in 2006 she said its funny because her friends dont know about her sucsess after changing schools. When E asked her what are your friends names she said Samina and George.

Pure skill is all this girl has.

Article written by:Angelina Evcans.
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