Brisbane insects

Praying mantids and Stick insects of the Great Brisbane area are mainly found in small mantis colonies and some large stick insect colonies although the largest of all Phasmids (stick insects) is the Great Brown phasmid (Titan stick insect) which can reach lengths of up to a whopping 250mm long which about the size of a pre-teen child's arm. The most common species of the mantis in Australia and the brisbane area is the false garden mantis and the garden mantis found all over Australia.

Insects of the Great South East
* False garden mantis: Pseudomantis albofimbriata
* Garden mantis: Orthodera ministralis
* Monster mantis: Archimantis monstrosa
* Burying mantis: Shodropoda tristis
* Large brown mantis: Archimantis latistyla
* Large brown mantis: Archimantis latistyla
* Crownned stick insect: Onchestus rentzi
* Spur legged Phasmid: Didymuria violences
* Childrens stick insect: Tropidoderus childrenii
* Titan stick insect: Acrophylla titan
* Goliath stick insect: Eurycnema goliath
* Pink winged phasma: Podocanthus typhon
* Teselated Phasmaid: Ctenomorphodes tessulatus
* Boxer bark mantis: Paraoxypilus sp.
* Spiny bark mantis: Gyromantis kraussi
* Brown ground mantis: Bolbe spp.
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