Brian Les Lancaster

Brian Les Lancaster is an Emeritus Professor of Transpersonal Psychology at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU); Honorary Research Fellow in ‘the Centre for Jewish Studies at Manchester University’; member of the Adjunct Research Faculty at Sofia University (formerly the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology), and the California Institute of Integral Studies. Currently he is the chairperson of the Transpersonal Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society and President of the International Transpersonal Association.
As a Programme Leader for widely recognized online MSc in Consciousness at Liverpool John Moores University he is the co-founder of the "Consciousness and Transpersonal Psychology Research Unit". Lancaster has been active in the area of interfaith dialogue over many years and has appeared on BBC radio programs in the area of psychology and religion. He has studied Kabballah for over 30 years and runs workshops and groups on kabbalistic psychology. He is the current Chair of the Transpersonal Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society.
Lancaster has written many articles and chapters for his colleagues’ books. A few of his books include ‘Mind Brain and Human Potential’. He received the Scientific and Medical Network Best Book Award for his work on 'The Essence of Kabbalah' and ‘Approaches to Consciousness: The Marriage of Science and Mysticism’, about which Chief Rabbi Professor Jonathan Sacks commented: "With formidable erudition and the widest of perspectives, Les Lancaster has written a challenging and potentially ground-breaking book on the relationship between scientific and mystical ideas of human consciousness. A humane scholar in the great tradition of William James, his work deserves to be read and discussed widely".
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