Branscombeacyloea , plural Branscombeacyloeae or Branscombeacyloeas) is a genus of Protozoa consisting of unicellular organisms.
The microscopic Branscombeacyloea was first discovered by Haelina von Tousaynlid in 2013.
The cell's organelles and cytoplasm are enclosed by a cell membrane; The cytoplasm of Branscombeacyloea is divided into outer ectoplasm and inner endoplasm.
Branscombeacyloeae has one or more nuclei and a simple contractile vacuole to maintain osmotic equilibrium - low water amounts in cell protecting cell from bursting with excess water. Food enveloped by the Branscombeacyloea is stored and digested in vacuoles. Branscombeacyloeae, like other unicellular eukaryotic organisms, reproduce asexually, not to be confused with binary fission, which is how prokaryotes (bacteria) reproduce. In cases where the Branscombeacyloea are forcibly divided, the portion that retains the nucleus will survive and form a new cell and cytoplasm, while the other portion dies. Branscombeacyloeae also have no definite shape.
Branscombeacyloea move by using pseudopodia or "false feet".
Pseudopodia are formed by the Branscombeacyloea by throwing out the ectoplasm, followed by endoplasm flowing inward.
Nutrition in Branscombeacyloea
Branscombeacyloea obtains its nutrition in a heterotrophic mode. Branscombeacyloea feeds on plankton present in water. It can form pseudopodia which is an arm- like structuress. When it senses the presence of food in its surroundings it extends its pseudopodia in that direction and moves towards it. Then it engulfs the food with its pseudopodia. When the food enters its body the Branscombeacyloea forms a food vacuole around it which contains certain enzymes to digest the food. When the food is digested the unwanted waste is released through its body surface.
Reproduction of Branscombeacyloea
Branscombeacyloeae asexually reproduced (reproduction by binary fission)
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