BOSS4GMES (Building Operational Sustainable Services for GMES) was a European Commission funded project aimed at developing sustainable Global Monitoring of Environment and Security (GMES) services. The project was co-ordinated by Infoterra (now Astrium Geo-Information Services). It featured the following European partners: Austria * GeoVille Informationssysteme und Dateverarbeitung GmbH Belgium * Squaris Consultants * Flemish Institute for Technological Research France *Alcatel *Alenia Space *Arsenale Novissimo *Astrium SAS *Collecte Localisation Satellites * Direction de la Defense et de la Securite Civiles * *Mercator Océan *Météo-France *Université Louis Pasteur Strasbourg *Spacebel S.A./N.V. SPOT Image Germany * Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft und Raumfahrt e.V. Meteorological Institute * GAF AG *Infoterra GmbH *PRO DV Software AG Greece *Aristotle University of Thessaloniki * Hellenic Centre for Marine Research United Kingdom * CEH * Infoterra France Infoterra Ltd *Met Office *University of the West of England Denmark *Danish Meteorological Institute (Denmark) Italy * Dipartimento della Protezione Civile * Sp Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia *Luiss Business School - Divisione di Luiss Guido Carli *Telespazio SPA Norway * Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center Spain * Indra Espacio S.A. Sweden *Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institut EU organisations *European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts * Eurimage European Union Satellite Centre *Joint Research Centre