Boris Gorbunov

Boris Gorbunov is a Russian-born scientist. He studies aerosol particle nanotechnology, condensation technology, nanoparticle separation, characterisation, nucleation, generation and instrument development. Gorbubov is Technical Director of ANCON Technologies Limited and Technical Director of ANCON Medical Inc.
Following University from 1973 to 1993, Gorbunov was a researcher at the Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion RAN in Novosibirsk RF. During this time he worked with Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry.
From 1994 to 1998 he was a senior researcher at the School of Environmental Science; Middlesex University, London, UK. From 1998 to 2001 he was a senior researcher at the School of Biological Science; Middlesex University, London, UK. From 2001 to 2005 he worked as senior researcher at the School of Health; Middlesex University, London, UK. From 2004 to date he is Director at Ancon Technologies Limited (Canterbury, United Kingdom) and Naneum Limited, Canterbury, UK. He is a member of the Royal Medical Society of the UK. He has carried out research on nanotechnology and air pollution at various universities in Finland, Russia, USA and UK.
From 2011 to 2013 he was a visiting professor at the University of Kent in Canterbury, United Kingdom.
From 2009 to date he is a member of the Nano-cluster working group at the European Commission on Nanosafety. He is a member of The Royal Aerosol Society and German Aerosol Society. From 2005 to date he is a member of the OECD Nanosafe panel of experts.
He has published circa 150 scientific papers in high impact peer reviewed journals and has been granted numerous patents. His Research Gate RG Score is 33.76. He has also secured many other related patents in aerosol technology, nanoparticle and condensation technologies.
# Counting individual ions in the air by tagging them with particles (2017)
# Raman spectroscopic identification of size-selected airborne particles for quantitative exposure assessment (2016)
# Evaluation of exposure to airborne heavy metals at gun shooting ranges (2015)
# Portable planar DMA: Development and tests (2014)
# Handbook of Nanosafety (2014)
# Lead Exposure Testing (2013)
# A Novel Size-Selective Airborne Particle Size Fractionating Instrument for Health Risk (2009)
Full list of papers published by Dr Gorbunov.
Notable inventions/ideas
A degree of Doctor of Science in Chemical Physics was awarded to him for his contributions to the area of phase transitions of water in the atmosphere and for the development of the heterogeneous nucleation theory. Binary and ternary to multicomponent nucleation, Atmospheric aerosol formation. Free energy of embryo formation for heterogeneous multicomponent Ice nucleation on soot particles
One of his recent achievements is the discovery of counting individual ionized molecules, invention and development of an extremely sensitive trace chemical analysis technology.
He has also secured many other related patents in aerosol technology, nanoparticle and condensation technologies.
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