Bold for Delphi

Bold for Delphi is a framework written in Delphi. The framework was founded and developed by Boldsoft in Stockholm. Later, the company was bought by Borland 2002. Bold for Delphi is not officially supported anymore and it cannot be bought.
Enterprise Core Objects (ECO) was designed as a successor to Bold, by the same people who designed Bold.
Objectspace. Bold set up an objectspace in RAM for quick access to common objects. When an object is accessed and it is not in objectspace it is loaded automatically in it.
True modeldriven. Change the UML-model with classes, attributes, links and methods. A SQL-script is then generated that is run against the database to keep it in sync with the model. Instead using OCL for queries against the objectspace to get attributes and object for the database is much easier. It is also possible to query database directly from OCL to prevent loading a lot of objects. This way of not using SQL make the application cleaner and decrease chanse of bugs.
Derived attributes. A class can have derived attributes that is composed of other attributes (derived or persisted) in own class or other classes via links. The first read of the attribute trigger the calculation and fetch values from the database. But after that the calced value is cached in objectspace RAM and no SQL is executed. In case some persisted attributes is changed that build the final derived attribute it is noticed about that and recalc the attribute. The calculation for an derived attribute is expressed as Delphi code or as OCL in the model.

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