Blithe (comics)

Blithe is a fictional character from DC Comics' Supergirl series. She first appeared in Supergirl # 36, September 1999.
Fictional Biography
Little is known of Blithe's history. All that is known is how one becomes an Earth-Born Angel; a celestial being sacrifices itself for one who is without hope and merges with them to become a new being. Blithe does not fit this mold, being a valued servant of the demon Carnivore. At her master's behest, Blithe used her psychic gifts to illuminate traumatic memories in the hermaphroditic , causing their feminine self to become filled of hatred and feelings of abandonment. This transformed her into a centaur-like creature and ordered to kill Supergirl.
However, during the battle, Blithe was crippled by an avalanche. She begged her master Carnivore for help, but he scoffed at her, calling her a crippled firefly. Blithe was in love with Carnivore, and this rejection drove her over the edge. Still able to fly, she flew to where scientist were keeping the evil half of Matrix, and merged with it, healing her crippled form and giving her stronger powers. She then teamed up with Comet and Supergirl, and the three fought and destroyed the Carnivore by combining their angelic powers of Love, Fire, and Light.
Blithe realized that she had feelings for Comet and did not care which form the dual-gendered Comet assumed (which hinted that Blithe is bisexual). She was seen fighting alongside Comet during the period where Linda Danvers was separated from her Angelic half. It is assumed that the two are still together.
Powers & Abilities
Blithe is an Earth Born Angel of Light, and as such can fly at high speeds via wings composed of pure lightning. She can also fire blasts of electricity from the antennae on her forehead. She can generate flashes of psionic light (her Light of Truth) that can illuminate repressed memories and force others to remember them. After her merger with the evil half of Matrix, she gained superhuman strength and gained the power to fire blasts of psionic force.
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