Blind pew prime

Blind Pew Prime is a prime number which, in the field of Enduro, is given to riders who have had more than 2 events cancelled immediately after they have entered them.
The most common Blind Pew Number is 113 - this is the number that membership scretaries reserve to allocate to club applicants who apply for membership and who have a track record of cancellations.
The term was coined by AJP Racing in the UK, after a one of their riders entered several international events. The events were cancelled within 2 days of race numbers being received. All race numbers were prime numbers.
This is a term which is in full and continuous and habitual use on the enduro scene in the UK. It is a common term, known to all endur personnel in the UK, and used by aministrative staff to refer to entrants who are regarded as "unlucky". When such an "unlucky" entrant applies, they are given a "Blind Pew Number so that other members of the club can identify them easily.
It is a subtle, and more socially acceptable, of the more historical means of embarrassing and ostracising a society memory by tarring and feathering.
The phenomenon seems to have extended to club events - the first race of the MidWest Championship was cancelled on the same day that an AJP rider (previously responsible for his Blind Pew Prime cancelling two international events) entered the race.
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