Blessed Hope Christian Academy

Blessed Hope Christian Academy is a nondenominational, co-educational, Christian school, which encompasses K to 12, The school is located at Int. A. de Guzman St., Parang, Marikina, Philippines. Dr. Manuel C. Orara is its Administrator Minister
During its first year, last 1984, the school was governed by Little Shining Lights of Baptist International Mission (BIM), its former name. Only twenty pupils comprised that school year, twelve of which were in preparatory level headed by Sinagtala Lualhati Salvacruz (Head Teacher) and eight children were in nursery level.
The administrative minister decided to combine church-schools, Blessed Hope Christian Academy and Little Shining Lights Learning Center into a single name for a better administration.
Blessed Hope follows the basic subjects prescribed by the Philippine Department of Education in both the Elementary and Secondary levels. It uses a School of Tomorrow curriculum.
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