Bioacoustics therapy

Bioacoustic Therapy is a technique in alternative medicine that involves the analysis of sound waves produced during vocalization combined with presentation of low frequency analog sound in an attempt to promote healing. "There is little scientific validation of either the principles or the theraputic powers of bioacoustic therapy"

While bioacoustics is a science concerned with the production of sound and its effects on living systems, bioacoustic therapy is a "form of energy or vibration medicine."

Bioacoustic therapy is considered by its practionsioners to fall within the broad category of sound therapy

Bioacoustic therapy is distinguished from other sound therapy subcategories by the claim that human voice analysis can portray a person’s state of health. This analysis is claimed to detect frequencies the person emits, called by practitioners as a “signature sound”, which is claimed to represent vibrational energies of the body and its functions. Many factors affect the frequencies of voices, and bioacoustic therapy claims to isolate and analyze those frequencies which are related to the health of a patient.

Bioacoustic therapy takes a recording of a sample of speech, and turns it into a graph, which is then analyzed. Practitioners say these patterns give specific clues regarding the health of the speaker. When they believe they have found a section of what they see as discordance, low frequency sound is played which is claimed to balance the disharmony.

Bioacoustics as a therapeutic technique originated with Sharry Edwards in 1982.
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