Bill Still

Bill Still is a movie producer and author with over 130,000 copies in print whose ideas for monetary reform are supported by economists such as Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman, Joseph Farah (founder and CEO of WorldNetDaily), Peter Schiff (President of Euro-Pacific Capital), Byron Dale (author and monetary reform expert), Ellen Brown (author 'Web of Debt'), James Robertson (head of the Inter-Bank Research Organization, author), Prof. Nick Tideman (VA Tech University School of Economics), Prof. Michael Hudson (President of The Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends, Distinguished Research Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, author), and Prof. Quentin Taylor (professor of political science at Rogers State University).
His movies have won a number of awards, in particular 'The Secret of Oz' which won the Best Documentary Award at the 2010 Beloit International Film Festival, the Silver Sierra Award for Excellence in Filmmaking at the Yosemite Film Festival, and the Silver Screen Award at the Nevada Film Festival.
Still's movies demonstrate historical evidence that most of the world's economic and political problems can be solved by eliminating fractional reserve lending and debt-based money. To this end he has proposed a bill called the Monetary Reform Act.
Milton Friedman On Still's Monetary Reform Act
Milton Friedman advocated Still's desire to eliminate fractional reserve lending, saying: "As you know, I am entirely sympathetic with the objectives of your Monetary Reform Act... You deserve a great deal of credit for carrying through so thoroughly on your own conception…I am impressed by your persistence and attention to detail in your successive revisions. Best wishes, Milton Friedman"
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