William P. Kennedy, born 1951, is co-author, with Chuck Musciano, of HTML: The Definitive Guide and HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide by O'Reilly Media. Kennedy went on to co-found ActivMedia Robotics (later MobileRobots Inc.) which developed the Pioneer series robot. He served as chief technical officer of MobileRobots Inc. until the company was sold in 2010. Publications * O'Reilly Media, , 2006 * Robot control and Colbert Dr. Dobb's Journal, November, 2000 * HTML, the definitive guide O'Reilly Media, , 1998 * Associations of N-acyl Amino Aldehyde Analogs of Specific Substrates to the Active Site of Chymotrypsin PhD dissertation, Loyola University, 1980 * Effect of Modification of the Essential Catalytic Residues in (YChymotrypsin on the Thermodynamics of Substrate Analog Association Journal of Biological Chemistry, July 13, 1979 * Biochemistry, 18(2):349-56, February, 1979