Being professional

One cannot call themselves being professional in one's own work as long as the following characteristics are not included.
* Skill or knowledge in the job
* Integrity (being morally honest in the job)
* Sense of fairness (being fair in the job)
People are usually unable to identify someone as being professional in the job he/she is doing. Being professional in a field of work does not end with only the certificate or degree that one earns from a school or university. But it has also to do with the person's personality and ethical codes in the job he/she is performing.
Let's study an example. Mr. Joe is holding a master's degree in education from the US and holding a position as a teacher in one school. In his teaching, he maybe applies his knowledge professionally well. But in that job, to get popular with his students and the school that he is working for, he might be unconsciously corrupt. He might make up student's cores in order for his students to get a higher grade than those students in other classes. Before the school releasing its academic year result to the public, he might ask for a review and suggest some changes in some low scores to higher ones so that his students get a higher grade and higher pass rate. All he is doing is just to get himself impressed by the school and the students so that the school might say that " Oh, he is an excellent teacher. Look, his students all get good grades." But in reality, he makes it up to gain his personal popularity which is very unprofessional. He is not a man of integrity.
An additional example to that, that teacher might be just a lazy person in his/her work but he's just smart enough to make him/herself look hard-working. As an example, when the exam period comes, the teachers will be asked to write exam questions for his students. The questions he/she writes might just be those easy questions that he/she has already taught them in class, or the questions that are given to students in Z group are all the same as those ones given to the A group, or the difference in the exam given to Z group to A group is only a matter of jumbled options, etc. This teacher is being very unfair to his/her students. He/she does not give a fair challenge of knowledge. This kind of person is just a lazy worm but smart guy who can make him/herself look hard-working and professional. But in reality, he/she is cheating the school that he/she is working for.
Therefore, being professional in one's job, not only he/she has to have a skill in it, but also he/she has to have integrity and a sense of fairness.
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