
Beeni, also known as beeni panjo, is a traditional Kashmiri sport described as a combination of arm wrestling and martial arts. It originated in Kashmir and northern Pakistan, and has gained popularity also among the Eastern Punjabi communities in parts of the UK.
The game involves two players, and the objective is to release one's wrist from the grip of the opponent. The two players compete in a four-round bout having to either break free from their opponent’s hold or stop their opponent from escaping the hold. They have three chances per round to break the grip, and and earn points for breaking free or stopping the opponent from escaping.
In 2013, a national beeni tournament was given the green light in Rochdale, England. To organise it, Rochdale Beeni Club, founded by Perwaiz Shah, Mussarat Shah, and Shafait Hussain, was given £1,500.
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