Beat Party!

A Beat Party! is a gathering of people, commonly youths, who are invited by a host for the purpose of social interaction and entertainment. A Beat Party! is unlike a traditional party because the music and fashion relies heavily on the 1960s.
The term Beat Party! was originally coined by You Am I lead singer and guitarist Tim Rogers who named the bonus disc of the band's third album Hourly Daily, "Beat Party!". Beat Parties are commonly associated with Beat Music and Mods.
You Am I
The term Beat Party! was originally the title of the bonus disc from Australian band You Am I's album Hourly Daily. The disc contained covers by 1960s Beat Music bands The Creation and The Easybeats and his, combined with Tim Rogers's drunken declaration that he would make a "beat" record is where the phrase comes from.
In the late 2009 a succession of unusual parties and gatherings were held in eastern Melbourne, Australia. 1960s Beat Music was played and attendees wore 1960s styled, vintage suits or Fred Perry Polo Shirts with the buttons done up. These Beat Parties attempted to emulate the attitudes and behaviours of the English during Swinging London period.
Due to the similar reference points, 1960s beat music and emphasis on fashion from the same era, Beat Parties have drawn comparisons to the Mod Revival which took place in the late 1970s and early 1980s throughout the United Kingdom. However unlike the Mod Revival which had The Jam and lead singer and Mod Paul Weller as its focal point, the Beat Party! culture is instead primarily influenced by its participants who all hold a dewy eyed love for the 1960s.
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