Battle of Techno House 2022

The Battle of Techno House 2022 (also known as "Russian Soldier Vs Door") is a noted meme by Yeshiva World News reporter Moshe Schwartz based on an incident occurring in the Russo-Ukrainian War. The incident was a failed attempt by a Russian soldier trying to gain entry to an electronics shop in Kherson, Ukraine. Amongst the downbeat, dramatic and violent imagery emanating from the conflict, the video from the incident stood out for its humour, and became a viral meme seen throughout the world.
Russian troops had invaded Ukraine in February 2022, with many of them engaging with Ukrainian troops and moving into residential areas. Fighting in Kherson saw Russian troops penetrate into the city as part of the Kherson Offensive. However, the Russian troops had been observed by many to have poor logistical support, and so were often going into Ukrainian buildings to retrieve food and supplies. Many of the Russian recruits appeared to be disoriented and unsure why they were there.

A meme of the incident became famous in the sixth day of the war when a Russian infantryman appeared to be firing into a retail building in the Ukraine city of Kherson. The infantryman appeared to be firing at the door of the building for no obvious reason, though commentary since the incident suggested that he may have been trying to loot audio equipment. With no obvious reason why the soldier is firing at it, or any other humans or combatants involved, the battle simply appears to be between a Russian soldier, and a door. In the video, he eventually leaves, seemingly defeated. Much of the humour observed by the piece is a commentary of the perceived hopelessness of the Russian forces in Ukraine. The Russian troops involved in the war were noted by much commentary as having poor logistics, with columns of armour running out of fuel and being abandoned, and the Russian troops themselves running out of food.
In the incident, a Russian soldier fires at the door, with an assault rifle, trying to gain entry. He fails, and then tries to shove open the door with the butt of his gun, but this fails as well. He then tries to smash the glass, with his arm, but is unable to smash it. He finally tries to pull the handle, to open but it won't budge. He eventually gives up. Initial confusion over whether the soldier was Ukrainian or Russian was solved by observers who noted that the soldier, was wearing a white arm band, and other uniform details identified him as Russian.
The meme went viral, with much commentary and many articles discussing its nature and what it represented. The idea of modern urban warfare, with all its dramatic and violent connotations, boiling down to a battle between a soldier, who even with high powered weaponry, can't open a door to a retail music store, was a source of great mirth for many; particularly in the depth of darkness that Ukraine faced. The initial meme was shared on Twitter by Yeshiva World News reporter Moshe Schwartz. with the battle results referred to as a "decisive door victory"<ref name"HITC0303" /> with "pride" being one of the Russian casualties.<ref name":2" /> The humourous content was later removed from the page.
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