Battle of Rajasthan

In 711 the Umayyad Caliphate conquered Sindh and the caliphate didn't stop here and wanted to expand till Ganges and expand Islam in India for this day started to invade India and hence the Indian kingdoms formed the Hindu Triple Alliance and fought a major battle of Rajasthan to stop Islamic invasion in India.
The battle was fought between the Hindu Triple Alliance and Umayyad Caliphate with 5000 troops and 30000 troops respectively and in this battle the Arab troops were beaten very badly by the Hindu forces and according to a Arab chronicler Suleiman "a place of refuge to which the Muslims might flee was not to be found."
The Arabs took a very long time to recover from this defeat but they could never ever again win any Battle against Indian kings and hence India was saved from Islamic invaisions for 400 years due to the Hindu Triple Alliance
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