Battle of Beisan (634)

The Battle of Beisan (), also known as Yawm Baysan or the day of Baysan. is a battle that took place during the conquests of the Levant during the era of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs between the Rashidun army against the Byzantine which occurred near the city of Beisan (modern day Beit She'an)
The Muslims won a crushing victory as the entire Byzantine army annihilated during the battle.
During the Eastern Roman Empire, Palestine was divided administratively into First and Second Palestine, and Beisan was the second capital of Palestine, which includes Galilee and Tiberias.
During the Muslim conquest of the Levant, after the Byzantine forces gathered in Baalbek with twenty thousand soldiers, they decided to go to defend Damascus from Rashidun threat. However, they instead make detour to return to Baalbek after the new about Byzantine recent defeat in Marj Al-Safar. Shurahbil instead join Khalid as he though it were impossible to breach the city as it is defended tightly. The remaining forces of Byzantine who escaped the battlefield fled to Damascus. Then Shurahbil goes to besiege Tiberias along with Abu al-A'war, However, Shurahbil party now has rendezvouz with the main army, Abu Ubaidah divides his army, placing Khalid bin Al-Walid at the front with his cavalry, Muadh ibn Jabal on the right wing, Hashim ibn Utba on the left wing, and Sa'id ibn Zayd on the infantry as they were now facing the eight thousand garrison strong garrison soldiers in Beisan.
However, Khalid has anticipated the movement of Saqlar, thus he immediately moved with his cavalry after the dawn prayer, and before the sun rises crossing the Jordan River. According to Ragheb Sirjani, almost the whole 80,000 soldiers of Byzantine under Saqlar were slain, while the Rashidun forces suffered several hundreds of casualties. The city was not damaged and the newly arrived Muslims lived together with its Christian population until the 8th century, but the city declined during this period.
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