
Bat-Cow is a fictional cow appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics and other associated media. Bat-Cow first appeared in Tiny Titans #17 and was created by Art Baltazar and Franco Aureliani. Batcow was first incorporated into the main DC Universe in Batman Incorporated Vol. 2 #1 by Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham.
Fictional character biography
Bat-Cow was originally a bat that was turned into a cow by Robin during an investigation on a slaughterhouse, which the cow was sent to. Robin wanted to keep the cow and named it Bat-Cow. Batman decided they would keep the cow. During a later investigation, Batman discovered it had mind-controlling radiation inside of it, leading him to attempt to get rid of the cow. Robin, however would not allow him to hurt the cow.
After the events of Robin's death, Bat-Cow and Robin's dog felt a great loss in morale. Alfred Pennyworth and Nightwing had to take care of the cow. Later after Nightwing's disappearance, Alfred was the only caretaker of Bat-Cow.
Bat-Cow, complete with cape, spent time on a Wayne Enterprises-owned dairy farm. It was there the cow encountered the cosmic-powered "Forever People." One of them seemed to gain guidance from Bat-Cow's actions, namely when Bat-Cow gave one of the Forever People a scarecrow's hat.
Bat-Cow forms a friendship with Titus, a dog and household cat.
In other media
Video games
* Bat-Cow appears as a playable character in Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham.
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