Basic animal senses


Using logic: Animals, when in a conscious state, have eight known senses.

Conscious: (dictionary). "aware" ; "awake to one's surroundings".

List of senses: Sensory organ: Capable of:
Sight Eyes Seeing
Hearing Inner ear Hearing
Smell Nostrils Smelling
Taste Mouth/tongue Tasting
Touch Skin feeling
Thinking Conscious Mind Creating thoughts
Voice Larynx speech/singing
Balance Semicircular canals movement control

The levels of each sense are different for each species of animal.
Also levels of senses are improved with training.

There are too many animals to list them all. I will concentrate on the human animal.

I will list them first with the strongest sense.

THINKING: This sense is rated at the very top. We, as humans can think of the impossible. We can
create. .

VOICE: We are capable of communicating with others, and of singing.

SIGHT: We are capable seeing things in the visual range.
TOUCH: With certain parts of our skin we can idenify texture of small objects.
HEARING: We are capable of hearing audio sources.
TASTE: We are capable of tasting different food and liquids.
SMELL: We are capable of smelling odors and gases.
BALANCE: We are capable of controlling our body and movement.

I have grouped the last six senses together,as there are many animals with better levels of them.
Still they can all better the levels, with training.

We will now consider the SUBCONSCIOUS state.

To begin with, the subconscious is always functioning. You may say that the subconscious is maintaining the body's functions as best it can, depending on the conscious functions, and if this is so, the subconscious will put the body in a state of being tired, if over worked. Sleep will now be induced, and when this happens the conscious state and the eight senses will be put to stand-by.

SUBCONSCIOUS: (Dictionary) "happening without one's awareness" ; "the part of the mind that is active without one's conscious awareness".

All the other hundreds/thousands of senses within the body is controlled by the subconscious. Your heart still beats, and you still breath, even when you are asleep. All the conscious senses are on stand-by, but the subconscious can still read them.

What controls your conscious and subconscious. That would be our human instincts.

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