Barry Kirkey

Barry Kirkey, aka Twenty-Six aka Extramask, is a former "Pick Up Artist", written about in Neil Strauss' New York Times Bestseller "The Game".

He currently runs an online radio show entitled "The Barry Kirkey Radio Show" at his top 100,000 rated website, .

Personal Information

Barry Kirkey is currently 32 years of age, and resides in a suburb approximately 45 minutes away from downtown Toronto. He is currently dating a 20-year old university student, named "Jan". Many believe this to be an alias to protect "Jan's" identity.

Barry works a full time job at a large insurance company in Toronto as well as hosting The Barry Kirkey Radio Show as a second, full-time, career.

The Barry Kirkey Radio Show

The Barry Kirkey Radio Show, airing daily Monday through Thursday's, was started on May 1st, 2008, the pilot episode airing the same day, reaching its hundredth episode on Thursday, October 30th, 2008. As of Monday, December 1st, 2008, Barry Kirkey has hosted and aired 112 original episodes since the show's inception.

The show is in a long-form talk radio format similar to the likes of Howard Stern et al. Barry is regularly co-hosted by his long-time friend, Stefan Anton, a communications director by day.

New episodes are commonly released between 8am and 9am Eastern Time (North America), on Mondays through Thursdays each week.

The show revolves around the issues Barry has with the "seduction community" both in the past and in its present state of being, and has been described by Barry Kirkey as an entertainment show, with elements of comedy and a focus on the "seduction community" as described in the book "The Game", and "showcased" on the VH1 show, "The Pick Up Artist". Barry also covers general "talk-radio" entertainment, as indicated by his having comedian Doug Stanhope on the show recently

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