Barbara Snellenburg

Barbara Snellenburg (or Barbara Snellenberg) (born 3 July 1975, Almelo) is a Dutch model and actress.
*Piccolo Grande Amore (1993) - with Raoul Bova, directed by Carlo Vanzina
*Pazza famiglia (1995)
*Simpatici & antipatici (1998)
*Jolly Blu (1998)
*Tutti gli uomini del deficiente (1999) - comedy-movie directed by Paolo Costella with the supervision of Gialappa's Band, with the special appearance of Arnoldo Foà
*The Underground Comedy Movie (1999)
*Casa Vianello (TV series) 1999-2000
*La verità, vi prego, sull'Amore (Let's Have the Truth About Love) (2001)
*Don Matteo - television fiction by Rai Uno
*Casa Vianello - historic sitcom by Mediaset(1999-2006)
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