Baku Dialogues

Baku Dialogues is an English-language quarterly peer-reviewed journal published by ADA University, focusing on policy perspectives related to the Silk Road region and its geopolitical, economic, and cultural significance.
Baku Dialogues was originally launched by ADA University in 2014, as part of its efforts to engage with global policy discourse. The journal’s re-launch in September 2020 marked its establishment as ADA University’s flagship English-language quarterly publication. Throughout its history, Baku Dialogues has maintained its independent editorial stance, offering a forum for diverse viewpoints on geopolitical, economic, and cultural issues in the Silk Road region. The journal has been published under the auspices of ADA University and continues to operate as a key platform for policy discussions and academic contributions related to the region's strategic importance.
Baku Dialogues, ADA University's flagship English-language quarterly journal, has achieved significant recognition in the academic community. It has been indexed by the France-based International Center for the Registration of Serial Publications, receiving an international index number (ISSN).
Additionally, the journal is included in the Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) database, which aggregates scholarly publications on international relations.
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