Bak Fu Pai

Bak Fu Pai (; "Bak Fu Pai" comes from the Cantonese pronunciation, Baahk6 Fu2 Paai3) is a Chinese martial art said to have been created by Fung Dou Dak, one of the legendary Five Elders — survivors of the destruction of the Shaolin Temple by the Qing Dynasty imperial regime (1644-1912) — who, according to some accounts, helped Bak Mei to betray Shaolin to the imperial government. It shares many characteristics with Bak Mei kung fu.
History of Bak Fu Pai
Other sources (from Bak Fu Pai schools) assert that Fung Dou Dak did not, in fact, help Bak Mei destroy Shaolin. In their accounts, Fung was loyal to the Shaolin Temple; while it was burning, he saved the herbal medicine manuals and escaped through a secret tunnel. He then adopted Taoism so as to avoid the Qing soldiers who were on the lookout for Buddhist monks. Fung made his way to a Taoist monastery on Mount Emei, and there refined his martial skills, combining Shaolin skills with Taoist principles.
He was helped in his efforts by a physician and herbal expert named Doo Tin Yin (he helped him gain admission to the Taoist monastery
* White Lotus Sword
* Flying Phoenix Heavenly Sword
* Foo Boe Kuen: Tiger Step Fist
* Bak Fu Chut Lum: White Tiger Exiting The Forests
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